Okie... this is the 2nd part of my TwentyOne... where to go where to go??
Go GENTING lar ofcourse!! Before 29th August 2010,when i was still under age, i always failed to enter Casino although i try my very best to act mature... :( am sad but happy... LOL... what is this?? sad because i can't enter... happy bacause i LOOK YOUNG ma!! :) hehehe
So this time i hope things goes differently... I hope the guard will check on my IC and i will happily show it to him... but :( aww.... the guard never stop me leh!! so sad... It's ok cause the guard check me during the second time i enter...
Okie... this is more than enough to COMFORT me... teeheee....
well... it's is real that we always heard people saying 10person who enter Casino, 9person will lose money... haha so i'm one of the 9person this time... Lose RM100 is more than enough lo...
Nvm...good try... nextime i would step on some shit before i enter cause as what my Uncle told me, shits bring ONG ahhh.. LOL
after everything, STARBUCKS here we go ... :)
and then HOME here we come ... :( awww...
gotta miss GENTING again...
love, AmeLy