as usual.Me & Mr.Lai ♥ |
Us &The Couple of the day... Congratz~!! |
The drunnkard.. No USE!! LOL |
By MYSELF! ♥ this photo~! =) |
I'm Lost~~ |
Here's another post of OverTime again. This is not a gathering drinking session.. not a close deal drinking session, but it's something to be celebrate! Guess what?!
It's the day that Jeff&Mavis announce that they are officially being together.
Plenty of them felt so freaking suprise~! Well, ofcuz we're (me&edmund) not one of them~! HAHA..
We knew about it way way way before this.. lol~
Whatever it is, wish the both of them all the best and hope this is not a wrong choice for them. After all this happens so sudden and too fast. =)
Hey! I'm looking foward for next week!!! 8moredaystothedaytocelebrate!Immaexcitedman!