Monday, April 18, 2011

Take Time To Realise

I seriously have to sit down and think of what am i doing actually. Doing all this where you won't get any benefits... Sigh. Am i being too sensitive? thinking too much?

Why is that so hard for me to trust someone?
Because I got hurt very deep by someone before this?! Nah!!!

I really don't know how and who can i talk to? I need to talk to someone where he/she can convince me. Telling me that i'm wrong! STOP it! and STOP being so stubborn! :(
I know i'm bad for doing all this.sorry for not trusting you.. :(

Should realx myself and i need to pay a visit to books store and get a book to read where i hope it can help me a lil bit :]

The "3 Minute Jealous Thought Stopper." found it from google! it helps---

You'll want to use this when your jealous thoughts are creeping in and running your life--and you feel out of control.

Remember, jealous thoughts are a habit and they can be changed.

Here's how to do the "3 Minute Jealous Thought Stopper"...

1st-- SIT-- Sit in a quiet place. (The bathroom will do).

2. SETTLE-- Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, bringing your breath into your feet so that you feel grounded and connected to the earth. Feel yourself slowing down and your breathing deepen. (Maybe 30 seconds)

3. AWARENESS-- Come into awareness of your jealous thoughts in this moment. (What exactly are you thinking? You might even want to ask yourself... "I'm thinking that_______)." And then fill in the blank with what you're thinking. No judging!

4. ASK-- Ask yourself if you know your jealous thoughts to be true--absolutely true. What evidence do you have to support these thoughts? Whether you think your thoughts are true or not true, bring your attention to your heart or gut area and
feel the sensations in your body. (What are you feeling in your body? Is there tightness, a big knot, emptiness, heaviness?)

5. ALLOW-- Allow your sensations to be there without judging them and breathe into that area of the body. (If you feel heavy in your heart area, breathe into that heaviness until the sensation softens. If you feel a "knot" in your gut area, breathe into that knot until it starts to loosen.)

6. REPLACE-- Replace the jealous "movie" running in your head to one that is more in alignment with what you want in your life--because the reality is that both outcomes are possible.

Plsss. i dont want to be like this anymore. :( it's pain.

Chill.I know tomorrow will be better!


Weeee... Start playing Instagram very long ago, but i din't really use it cause i normally use fb more...
well well well..i tried it today and it's kinda fun heh!
Sharing out pic's that you love. I like thier 'LIKE' & 'Comments' button.
It's CUTeee :p
Let's play instagram Peepssss!

Quote for today : Tomorrow will be a better day :]

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