Saturday, June 11, 2011

Will You?

Will you tell things which is to impossible to be done to someone important to you?
Will you give hope to someone when you know it's impossible?
Will you cheat someone just to let him/her happy?
Will you do anything for that person if he/she will be happy?

Sigh. I have so many question to ask and who's going to answer me?
I really hate people who give HOPE to someone when he/she know that it's impossible to happen and why do you still want to give hope to him/her?!
Isn't this bad and isn't everyone should stand up strong and face the problem they having instead of escaping it?!

You're tired, I know, it's just the same goes to us! Pls.We need to breath as well.Can you just spare us some time?! Just a little will do.

Fuck it man! I hate this kind of LIFE!

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