Thursday, May 12, 2011

Men are from Mars Women are from Venus

Came across with this books [Men are from Mars Women are from Venus] which means Men and Women are from different part of the world. But when they stayed along together, they eventually forgotten that they are from different places and here comes the arguements.
This is a book to help all the couple to solve their relationship problems. To also safe people's marriage. Whether it is true or not, but it really helps.

Different people have different thoughts, thats why sometimes we couldn't agree with the other half's thoughts, and there comes the arguements.
Women is an animal who need alots of pamper, promises, and suprise. Well, most of the men are not good in it.
Men needs women who can understand them and trust them, but it's hard to get one who r good in both.

There must be an arguement in ervery weeks.No miss. I don't know where the problem come from. I'm tired. And you too. Shall we stop or continue like nothing happen before? How long can we stand?!
The big mistake that i'd made before this which is to ask for another chance. I shouldn't have do that. I believe things will go different way if we move one step foward or end it up.
But it seems like ending up is better than moving one step because there will be a scars over there whenever u look back. And ofcourse we wouldn't be as good as before this anymore.
I'm sorry for not doing it good enough. But i do treassure you all this while.
Thanks for taking care of me. ♥ ♥ ♥ YOU!

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